Undergraduate Studies | 广以本科教学知多少?

Undergraduate Studies | 广以本科教学知多少?


相信有不少人想知道广以的本科教学有什么特色,为了满足大家的好奇心,近日,广以本科生院院长Ori Lahav教授就学校的本科教学特点、学分成绩要求、考试规定等内容为大家作详细介绍。

广东以色列理工学院本科生院院长Ori Lahav教授










广以本科生需要修足学分方可顺利毕业,每个专业的学分要求有些许不同,但总的学分范围在155-160左右。平均来看,学生每学期应修学分约20个, 即6-8门课程。我校每学期只有13周的教学时间,之后是一个月左右的考试期。一般每门课程均会安排期末考,大部分课程也设置了期中考来阶段性检查学生的学习情况。通常情况下我们称期中考为“保护伞”性质的考试,即学生在期中考获得的高分将计入总成绩,成绩未达标的则不计入。






每门课程的期末考均有A和B两次考试,学生可以选择参加A考或者B考,也可以两次考试都参加。A考不及格的学生必须参加B考。通过A考的学生若对分数不满意,也可选择参加B考。学生最后一次考试的成绩计入总成绩单, 即如果一名学生同时参加A考和B考,则B考的成绩将会计入总成绩单而不是计更高分的成绩。同时,学生应当严格遵循考试纪律,不可作弊。



黄恺老师目前承担动力学以及物理化学课程的教学任务。广东以色列理工学院原汁原味引进了以色列本部有特色、有传统的教学方式,在以色列理工学院化学系正教授Jacob Katriel的指导下完成。在疫情期间,部分课程通过现今青年学生喜欢的B站来进行,通过实时教学的方式讲解物理化学课程,并借助弹幕及时反馈教学方面的信息,有效实现师生间良好高效的互动。此外,助教会在每次大课之后收集学生提出的有共性的问题,集中在习题课上为同学们讲解。






In order to satisfy your curiosity, Professor Ori Lahav, Dean ofUndergraduate Studies, recently made a detailed introduction on the characteristics of undergraduate teaching, credit score requirements, examination regulations and other contents of the school.

Teaching Characteristic

Our university has 4 undergraduate majors, including Materials Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Food Engineering, and Mathematics with Computer Science. Among them, math and computer science majors will first enroll students in the fall of 2020.

We offer a four-year undergraduate education. In order to better adapt to the new teaching model, all students are required to complete three courses, including mathematics, physics and English (small class), in the preparatory period before the formal term begins.

In the first year of the undergraduate course, the university mainly arranges basic compulsory courses for students, such as chemistry, biology, mathematics and physics, as well as specialized English courses and one or two specialty overview courses. In the second year, while arranging compulsory basic courses, we have added more specialized courses, computer programming language courses, statistics and other auxiliary courses. Junior college courses are more advanced professional compulsory courses and elective courses. In addition to some advanced courses, there are graduation projects. Graduation projects are generally divided into engineering practice or research, with specific requirements determined by each major. In addition, students also need to take general elective courses, physical education and ideological and political theory courses for the corresponding credits.

In terms of curriculum setting, the university adopts the western teaching mode, which mainly imparts knowledge through teaching, exercises, experiments and graduation projects. Each course generally has 2-3 hours of lecture and 1-2 hours of recitation per week to help students better understand the course content. Lectures emphasize professional theoretical knowledge, while exercises focus on improving students' ability to solve practical problems. They are usually taught by different teachers. Some courses offer experimental courses, generally from the second year to the graduation year.

Credit Requirement

Undergraduates in our university need to get enough credits to graduate successfully. The credit requirements of each major are slightly different, but the total credit range is around 155-160. On average, students should take about 20 credits per semester, or six to eight courses. Our school has only 13 weeks of teaching each semester, followed by a month or so of exams. In general, final exams are arranged for each course. Most courses also have midterm exams to check students' learning status periodically. Typically, we call the midterm exam an "umbrella" test, in which high scores on the midterm count toward a student's overall score and low scores don't.

In terms of academic performance, students with a GPA of 85 or above will have the opportunity to be awarded with the honor of Dean's List. Students with a GPA of 90 or above are awarded the Vice President's Commendation List. The listed students will receive scholarships.

The university will set up a special committee to discuss the students with GPA lower than 65, course success rate lower than 66%, total credits of the first academic year lower than 27, study duration over 8 semesters, and failure to meet relevant English requirements in the fourth semester. For students' academic performance is not ideal, hope that through the following tools to help its schools to raise test scores, the dean of personal learning plan, professional learning consultant one-to-one communication, after school English course, summer (provide students with the chance of a part of the course rebuilt), peer derivative (senior student to help junior student), mental health counselors, etc.

Exam Regulations

The final exam for each course will be A and B exams, and students can choose to take either A or B exams, or both. Students who fail A must take B. Students who pass A can also choose B if they are not satisfied with the score. If A student takes both A and B at the same time, the result of the B exam will be included in the total rather than the higher score. At the same time, students should strictly follow the examination discipline and should not cheat.

Professor Ori Lahav made an introduction

on the characteristics of undergraduate teaching

Assistant Professor Huang Kai, who is popular with students of GTIIT, shared his experience on undergraduate teaching.

Assistant Professor Huangshared his experience on undergraduate teaching

Assistant Professor Huangis currently teaching dynamics and physical chemistry. GTIIT has introduced the distinctive and traditional teaching methods from the original of Israel, under the guidance of Jacob Katriel, full professor of Chemistry Department of Israel Institute of Technology. During the epidemic, part of the courses were conducted through Bilibili, which is popular with young students today. Physical chemistry courses were explained through real-time teaching, and the teaching information was timely fed back, realizing efficient interaction between teachers and students. In addition, the TA would collect common questions from students after each lecture andexplained the problem to the students in the tutorial class.


In terms of guidance for graduation and further study, GTIITwill provide relevant lectures to answer questions of students at different stages, such as providing guidance on "scientific knowledge seeking and life path development" for junior students, and offering targeted lectures on different development directions for juniors and seniors after graduation.


AssistantProfessor Huang has given great support to students for further study or internship. He is willing to write letters of recommendation for qualified students to help them achieve better development.


Text/Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs







艺考培训-广东本科院校-广东以色列理工学院-微高校-院校号-广东以色列理工学院-Undergraduate Studies | 广以本科教学知多少?