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2,850; 10,000+
1,700; 185
80+; 100+
1,946; 32; 5
27%; 71%; 800+
25.7%; 21.4%; 11.4%
5,800+; 10+
西浦现有14个系,开设理、工、管、商、文等本科、研究生专业。这14个系都有哪些呢?各开设有哪些专业呢?拭目以待我们的Induction Week吧!
好了,还有非常重要的一点:西浦是全英文授课的,我们鼓励大家在课外时间也尽可能多地练习英语。那就从现在开始吧!以下是本文的英文版,let's get it started!
2,850, 10,000+
Of the total number of students, 2,850 are undergraduate Chinese students recruited from 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions around the country, predominately through the Chinese college entrance exam known as the Gaokao. Currently the total number of XJTLU students is over 9,000.
1,700, 185
A direct entry system allowed around 1,700 students from Guangdong, Jiangsu province and Tianjin city to apply to XJTLU without depending solely on their Gaokao score.
Through the system, which is only available to select universities across the country, 185 students were accepted to study based on their performance in XJTLU’s own entrance exam as well as their performance at high school and in the Gaokao.
80+, 100+
More than 100 international students have accepted offers to study at XJTLU, with application numbers more than doubling in comparison to last year. The University’s wide range of top-quality programmes taught in English in China has attracted applications from students from more than 80 countries worldwide.
1,946, 32, 5
This year, almost 2,000 students graduated from XJTLU, of which 1,946 were undergraduate, 32 postgraduate and five PhD level. Undergraduate students receive degrees from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and the University of Liverpool. Postgraduates are awarded degrees from the University of Liverpool.
27%, 71%, 800+
Over 27% undergraduate XJTLU students received first class honours degrees, in comparison to 20.1% of students in the UK (according to the UK Higher Education Statistics Agency).
71% of XJTLU students will continue their studies in world-renowned universities, and more than 800 will study in world top 100 universities (according to the Times World University Rankings 2015).
25.7%, 21.4%, 11.4%
Of this year's students who have gone into employment, 25.7% of them will work at Fortune 500 companies, 21.4% in China Fortune 500 companies, and 11.4% at top state-owned enterprises.
5,800+, 10+
XJTLU Alumni now has over 5,800 members working in more than 10 different countries. Visit http://alumni.xjtlu.edu.cn and follow XJTLU Alumni Association on WeChat - search for "XJTLU Alumni".
XJTLU currently has 14 academic departments offering a wide range of undergraduate and masters degree programmes, which are validated by the University of Liverpool.
The student learning and teaching experience is enhanced through internal and external moderation, and a thorough quality assurance process. All academic departments offer PhD degrees, which are co-supervised by staff from the University of Liverpool.
XJTLU's campus (north and south) has expended rapidly over the past few years. The north campus development provides state-of-the-art teaching, laboratory, research and support facilities. The north campus will accommodate 10,000 students by 2016.
Looking ahead, construction of the south campus development is already on the way, with Phase I set for completion in 2016/17. Upon completion of this exciting development, XJTLU will have the capacity for 14,000 students.