收藏 | 2016级新生选专业常见问答 FAQs on choosing a programme in Year One

收藏 | 2016级新生选专业常见问答 FAQs on choosing a programme in Year One


So you've made the decision about what degree programme you want to study from Year Two onwards, but how do you submit your choice? We've got the answers.

Frequently asked questions on choosing

your programme in Year One semester one


1. How will I enrol onto a programme of study? 怎样可以被录取到具体专业?

If you are a Mainland Chinese student admitted into subject groups through the Gaokao system, you will need to make a choice from the programmes available in Week 10 of semester one - the week starting 14 November 2016.

If you are an international student, you have already been enroled into a programme and you, therefore, don’t necessarily need to go through this process unless you want to change your programme.



2. How can I submit the application for my programme of choice? 如何提交选专业申请?

An online form will be available on e-Bridge https://ebridge.xjtlu.edu.cn from 14-18 November. On the form, you will be able to select a choice of up to three programmes, some of which will require additional tests before you can be admitted. One of your choices must be for a programme that does not require any additional tests.

11月14日至18日(第十周),选专业在线申请表将在e-Bridge http://ebridge.xjtlu.edu.cn上开放。你最多可填写三个专业,且其中必须包含一个无需加试的专业。

3. Why do some programmes not appear in the dropdown list in the programme choice form online? 为什么有些专业不在我的选专业申请列表中?

Because you did not take the necessary courses to be eligble to enrol on these programme (the prerequisite courses required).


4. How do I know if I have successfully submitted my choice through the online form on e-Bridge? 如何确认我的选专业申请在e-Bridge上提交成功了呢?

A confirmation message will appear on the webpage after you have clicked the ‘Submit’ button. Meanwhile, an email with the same content will be automatically sent to your university email account.


5. What should I do if I didn’t receive the email confirming my submission of my programme choice? 如果我没有收到选专业申请提交的确认邮件该怎么办?

This rarely happens but if it does, send an email immediately to academicservices@xjtlu.edu.cn or go to the Registry reception desk on the eight floor in Central Building.



6. What happens if I forget to choose my programme before the deadline of 3pm on 18 November? 我忘记在截止日期(11月18日下午3:00)前选择专业了,会被录取到哪个专业?

If you miss the application deadline, you will be randomly assigned to a programme within your subject group. If you don’t like the programme, you have another opportunity to change it in semester two.


7. Can I submit my programme choice application after the deadline (3pm 18 November)? 截止日期(11月18日下午3:00)之后还能提交选专业申请吗?



8. Can I change my programme choice after I submit the online form? 我提交了选专业申请之后,还可以更改吗?

You can change your options before the deadline, but no further changes can be made after 3pm on 18 November 2016.


9. Can I choose programmes that are outside of my subject group? 我可以在专业大类内外自由选择专业吗?

If you have taken the required prerequisite courses, you can choose among programmes outside of your subject group, with the exception of accounting, economics and finance, architecture and financial mathematics, details of which can be found on pages 12 and 49-50 of the Undergraduate Handbook 2016/17.


10. What are the requirements to be admitted into accounting, economics and finance, or architecture? 录取到会计学、建筑学或经济与金融有什么要求吗?

You need to take the prerequisite requirements and pass an accounting aptitude test, an economics and finance aptitude test or attend an architecture admissions workshop held once only in semester one.


11. What are the requirements to be admitted to financial mathematics? 录取到金融数学专业有什么要求?

In semester one, financial mathematics is available as a choice to students in the mathematical sciences subject group, with no further enrolment requirements. Students from other subject groups can choose financial mathematics in semester two.

In semester two, in addition to the prerequisites, all students need to achieve an overall year average mark of 70 percent.

Note: Average mark = Σ (module marks*credits)/Σ credits



注:加权平均分= Σ (课程分数x学分)/Σ学分

12. I only chose calculus in semester one, how can I transfer to programmes that require linear algebra, multivariable calculus and physics? 第一学期只选修了微积分,怎样可以转到需要线性代数、多元变量微积分和物理这些先修课程的专业?

You can choose information management and information systems, economics, economics and finance, or accounting, where the prerequisites will be available in semester two. By the end of semester two, you can transfer to the programme of your choice.


13. Can I transfer to accounting, economics and finance, or architecture in Year One, semester two? 大一第二学期可以转入会计学、经济与金融或者建筑学吗?

No. You can only choose them in semester one.


14. How will I find out the result of my programme choice? 如何得知选专业结果?

In most cases you will be admitted to the programme of your choice, except for accounting, economics and finance and architecture where competition for places is higher. Admissions results for these programmes will be released in Week 11 of semester one.


15. Do I have chance to change my programme in semester two? 大一第二学期还有机会转专业吗?

Yes. You will have another chance in semester two of Year One to choose a programme but students are normally not allowed to change programmes once Year Two has started.


Note: Registry reserves the right to interpret the above content. Please read the related content in the Undergraduate Handbook 2016-17 for detailed information.










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