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在去年土木工程本科专业成功获得认证的基础上,西交利物浦大学土木工程系近日再获得英国工程委员会监管机构(theJoint Board of Moderators, JBM)的进一步认证。此次认证意味着土木工程系所有的本科及研究生学位专业均获得JBM的认证,包括2016年新开设的土木工程硕士研究生专业。
——土木工程系系主任Chee Seong Chin博士
The Department of Civil Engineering at XJTLU has received further accreditation for its programmes from the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM).
The new accreditations follow last year’s success and mean that all undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, including a newly-launched masters programme, within the department are accredited until 2018.
“Under the provisions of UK-SPEC, no matter which degree, the University of Liverpool or the XJTLU award, students can be confident that our undergraduate programmes are an excellent foundation from which to progress to becoming chartered and incorporated engineers.
“For students wishing to become engineers, completing a JBM-accredited course provides a fast-track route to professional status and ensures the quality of the education they receive.”
- Dr Chee Seong Chin, head of the Department of Civil Engineering
The JBM is a formation of the four major UK professional accreditation bodies in the field of civil engineering and is comprised of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) and the Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE).
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