我的大学 | 舒珈浩:做一个时代的“幸存者”

我的大学 | 舒珈浩:做一个时代的“幸存者”


During the interview of Shu Jiahao, a graduate of the International Business Economics programme at Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China), he brought one of his favourite books, A Moveable Feast: Hong Kong, with him. The book had a vision and a sense of time for that period. He also talked about the rich experiences he had during the past four years at NUBS China. The two echoed each other, representing his sense of the world and self-discovery.

Please scroll down for the English version.



Shu Jiahao





快毕业时,手握伦敦政治经济学院、帝国理工学院和华威商学院等硕士录取通知书的舒珈浩接受采访,身边桌上放着一本他喜爱的书《沸腾香港》,书中是颇具年代感的视野和资讯;而他侃侃而谈的是自己过去四年里的另一种丰富体悟,两者遥相呼应,展现了他对外界的感知和自我的发掘。采访时,他将自己在宁诺的经历娓娓道来,对商科信息的敏锐捕捉和对人文社科的广泛涉猎为我们勾勒了一个不太传统的商科生形象。他引用著名投资家查理·芒格的名言:“Be a Survivor, Not a Victim(做一个幸存者而非受害者)。”那么,他是如何在四年间将自己的追求与社会发展契合,又是如何逐渐拥有“幸存者”的特质呢?

Interview with Shu Jiahao 舒珈浩视频采访





“但我的性格比较好强,这可能是我改变的一个重要原因。”通过结交优秀的同学群体以及在老师的office hour(答疑时间)积极沟通,舒珈浩很快找到了节奏,发现了自己对于经济学和金融学等领域的兴趣,并选择持续发力,争取到了大三前往英国伯明翰大学的交换机会。最后,他选择从宁诺毕业后去往伦敦政治经济学院的金融与经济学研究生项目。该项目通过数学和经济学角度解释金融学,难度较高,为博士预备项目,这又是一次不小的挑战。

大学四年,舒珈浩从宁诺的全英文教学和国际交流机会中收获颇多。期间的小班化教学、各种小组合作项目和演讲为他的英语读写和演讲能力提供了很大帮助,而专业课程如Financial Economics《金融经济学》,Advanced Calculus《高级微积分》和Stochastic Calculus and Numerical Analysis《随机微积分与数值分析》等为他提供了严谨的金融经济理论和数理训练,尤其是刘小泉教授所教的金融经济学为其研究生资产定价方面的理论课程打下了坚实的基础。













“我们这批人不知道自己的运气好到什么地步,其实并不是因为我们怎么聪明,而是因为有一个历史的大环境在后面成就着我们。…… 我们从小知道用最小的投资得最优化的回报,而回报的量化,在学校是分数,在社会是钱。这成了我们的习性。在出道的1970 和1980 年代,我们在经济上尝到甜头,这成了路径依赖,导致我们的赚钱办法、知识结构、国际观都是局部的、选择性的,还以为自己见多识广。……

我们的想象力就被绑架了,很甘心地受勾引,从赚辛苦钱,进化到想同时赚更多更容易的钱:股票、地产、财技。我们初是羡慕,后是不安分,怀疑自己的赚钱能力比同代其他人落后了,最终一起陷入了一个向地产股票倾斜的局。而那几个行业,从1970年代初开始,一直节节上升 ……






采访中,舒珈浩数次提到查理·芒格的这句话:“Be a Survivor, Not a Victim.”他表示,这是一种理性乐观的生活态度。“我们身边每时每刻都在发生很多事情,而在今年,从疫情爆发到中美关系变化等,很多人在健康或经济状况上受到了不小的打击,很多人面对疫情变得精神懒散,也有很多人未来的留学或工作计划被打乱,但也有人克服了眼前的不顺利,马上调整回到了正轨,后者就是幸存者。”在这里,幸存者不仅指生存下来,更要怀着审慎而乐观的勇气面对生活:他们一方面对长远的目标信念坚决,另一方面以实际的态度去接受短期不确定性所带来的无助和痛苦。


“Be a Survivor, Not a Victim.”是他送给学弟学妹,同时也是与UNNC小伙伴们共勉的一句话。希望后来者们最大化利用宁诺赋予的国际化平台提升自我,在掌握必备技能的同时敢于不断探索更多的可能性,将自己的追求和时代需求相契合,成为一个骄傲的“幸存者”。


My UNNC Story | Shu Jiahao: Be a proud "survivor"

During the interview of Shu Jiahao, a graduate of the International Business Economics programme at Nottingham University Business School China (NUBS China), he brought one of his favourite books, A Moveable Feast: Hong Kong, with him. The book had a vision and a sense of time for that period. He also talked about the rich experiences he had during the past four years. The two echoed each other, representing his sense of the world and self-discovery.


His keen grasp of business information and extensive exposure to humanities and social sciences gave an "unconventional" image of a business student. He often quoted the famous saying of the investor Charlie Munger, "Be a survivor of an era instead of a victim." So how did he combine his pursuits and social development during his four years at university? And what characteristics of a "survivor" does he have?

Slide up for more details.

Read more and travel further

"During my time at university, I travelled to 9 countries, and read nearly 20 books lastyear. Everywhere I went, I would bring with me a book series edited by Zhang Zhixiong. He was the former Editor-in-Chief of Shanghai Securities News and the former Deputy Director of China Securities Research Institute. I treat this person like a mentor who has greatly influenced me. The series covers the topics society, culture, political economy and art, with such titles as Magnificent Central Europe and Taste of Kyoto. Another two works A Moveable Feast: Hong Kong and Thought Britain have had a profound impact on me." For Jiahao, reading is another way to know the world better and a good way to settle oneself.

With the help of the international platform provided by the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), he has had a series of international experiences. He participated in the AIESEC overseas volunteer project organised by the School, supported teaching, cross-cultural lectures and seminars in five local primary schools in Ostrava, Czech Republic. During a study exchange to Birmingham, he chose courses such as Digital Optimisation and Development Economics, with the latter involving econometric methods and research. The similarities and differences of the country's development model have deepened his understanding of business, humanities and social sciences, which also promoted his extensive reading of books on finance and social sciences.

Reading more and travelling further, Jiahao adopts a broad vision and diverse perspectives to meet the challenges of learning and life, and he has the essential characteristics of a "survivor". He has the ability to learn independently and the courage to meet uncertainty. For a while, due to various pressures, he fell into self-doubt and often felt anxious. Under such circumstances, he chose to go to Birmingham on exchange. When he first arrived in Birmingham, due to bitter weather and the lack of entertainment, his mood was often negative. However, he was always looking for a solution. Anxiety can also be caused by some of his peers and it can be perceived in many places, but Jiahao believes that at UNNC, the outstanding students are willing to discuss and share with others to overcome these problems. “When everyone comes to an environment with high competition, the pressure will inevitably increase, but it also promotes progress and improvement in others,” he said.

Recalling the belief: Be a proud "survivor"

He mentioned a famous saying he likes, "In the midst of anxious times, keep one's heart steady and true. Only by preparing oneself well can you remain free from pitfalls." In addition to reading finance and social science books, he also pays attention to financial news and operates a WeChat public account. Before this, he also served as a research assistant for an international communications project, assisting in text analysis and data processing. In the process of constant input and output, Jiahao gained a new understanding of himself and developed more confidence.

In the four years at UNNC, Jiahao received a lot of international teaching. The CELE language course during his freshman year helped him improve his English reading and writing skills. Since then, degree courses such as Advanced Calculus, Stochastic Calculus and Financial Economics were very helpful to his long-term future planning. Financial Economics taught by Professor Liu Xiaoquan in the last semester of his final year was especially helpful as it laid a solid foundation for his graduate programme.

Jiahao, who holds postgraduate offers from several prestigious universities, finally chose the LSE Finance and Economicsprogramme, which explains finance through mathematics and economics. Some courses require joining PhD-level classes, which is full of challenges and difficulties. But he said, "In the future, I want to engage in financial investment-related industries. I have an understanding of the secondary market and value investment philosophy, that is, treating stocks from the perspective of corporate value, like experts such as Graham, Buffett, and Munger, etc. The financial investment industry is full of challenges. But I am still willing to enter it. There is a lot of space for improvement, so I will work hard to overcome these difficulties and learn relevant skills and knowledge."

During the interview, he further elaborated his favourite quote, “Whoever can get back on track as soon as possible during or after the COVID-19 pandemic is a survivor. Mastering the necessary skills while constantly exploring further possibilities is what is needed to not only survive, but to live well.” Stay optimistic, bravely pursue your dreams, and accumulate rich experience are the three pieces of advice he gave to his younger peers. He hopes that current students will make the best use of the international platform provided by UNNC to improve themselves and match their pursuits with the needs of the times. And most of all, remember to become a proud "survivor".

采访:CC | 图片、视频:舒珈浩, FoB





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