古人评论虚实,有云:有者为实,无者为虚;有据为实,假托为虚;客观为实,主观为虚;具体为实,抽象为虚;显者为实,隐者为虚;有行为实,徒言为虚;当前为实,未来为虚;已知为实,未知为虚……。虚实结合,虚实相生. 如果以虚为虚,就是完全的虚无;以实为实,景物便是死的,太过呆板,不能动人,唯有以实为虚,化实为虚,就有无穷的意味,幽远的境界.实化成虚,虚实结合,思想,观念,情感和景物结合,就提高了艺术的境界。客观现实是个虚实结合的世界,所以反映为艺术,也应该虚实结合,才有生命。
策展人: Jareth
开放时间: 11 :00——18:00(周一、二休息)
展览日期: 3 月18日——4月15日
开幕时间: 3 月18日,下午二点(星期日)
地址: 北京通州宋庄(画家村)小堡南街66号 西蒙画廊
电话(Tel): 010-80923038,89579113
邮箱(Mailbox):Lucyhanchina@网址未加载, info@网址未加载
网址(Web-site): http:// www.网址未加载
Soemo fine arts gallery exhibition information
With Chinese contemporary art coming under ever closer scrutiny, and receiving ever greater applause from the international art world, Soemo Fine Arts is proud to take this opportunity to presents the multi-genre Xu-Shi Exhibition, showcasing three of the very best contemporary and avant-garde Songzhuang artists - Yiling, Zhang Lun and Zhoa Dewei.
Xu-Shi (虚。实), are two significant Chinese characters: mirrors of the conflicts between truth and falsehood, honesty and dishonesty, evident and indistinct, figurative and abstract, visible and invisible, current and future, conscious and unconscious, and, like Yin and Yang, are in a state of constant flux. They represent the importance of balance in life.
Xu-Shi Exhibition
18.03. – 15.04.2007 Soemo Fine Arts
Official Opening 18.03.2007 – 2 P.M
H: 11 :00——18:00(Except Monday, Tuseday)
T: +86 10 89579113 / +86 10 80923038
E: info@网址未加载 ; Lucyhanchina@网址未加载
W: www.网址未加载
A: No.66, Xiaopunianjie, Songzhuang(artists village), Tongzhou District, Beijing, China