博雅行 | 三杰获教学与服务奖之郭奕龙博士

博雅行 | 三杰获教学与服务奖之郭奕龙博士





When his students meet Dr Yi-Lung Kuo on the campus, they always see him radiate a beam of optimism and kindness. This is his typical way to say hello, but it's more than a hello. The students feel close to him. Dr Kuo avails himself of every possible opportunity, like through the Mentor Caring Programme and class meetings, to bond with them. His availability almost runs the gamut of popular social media and e-learning platforms. In his words, he welcomes students to contact him “whenever they want to share their thoughts relevant to coursework or personal life.”Dr Kuo comes from Taiwan. In most of his ivory tower times he studied special education, gifted education, and educational measurement and assessment. He received his PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Iowa in 2011. The next year he became part of the UIC community as Assistant Professor of the Applied Psychology Programme, Division of Science and Technology.

Outside of UIC, he actively plays various professional roles in government, educational associations and non-profit organisations. Several months ago, he was elected as President of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association. In my interview with Dr Kuo, he reflects upon the important traits that he feels are conducive to outstanding teaching.When did you know you were gifted or called to the vocation of teaching?Yi-Lung Kuo: When I was a high school student, after visiting a special education school, I made up my mind to become a special education teacher. I didn't take the Taiwan College Entrance Exam. Instead, I took an admission system through screening and recommendation to the Department of Special Education at National Taiwan Normal University as a state-funded student to start my teaching career. Is there a word or a phrase that captures your pedagogy? How or why?YLK:“Education for All (有教无类)”- for a long time after I started my teaching career. Recently, I prefer “Every Student Succeeds”. It is more proactive.All students deserve quality education. As a teacher, based on students' individual differences, we should create an optimally open environment and maximize development opportunities. Specifically, while teaching in a regular class, in addition to providing enriched curriculum for high-achieving students, we should ensure every possible learning resource is made available to low-achieving students.How did you prepare to teach the class? YLK: When I prepare a single course, my goal is very clear: how to motivate students to learn and help them to achieve course intended learning outcomes. Based on this goal, I design course activities and assignments accordingly. What, if any, advice would you give to junior faculty just beginning their teaching careers? YLK: First, understand university vision, including the meaning of its motto and key attributes. Second, before you go on stage, imagine if you were a student, what kind of class activities would attract you and what would make it worth your time to sit in class. Third, check your teaching toolbox and get familiar with all possible teaching resources. Fourth, embrace innovative teaching techniques and technology. Fifth, learn effective research-based instructional strategies. Finally, become an intentional teacher. Design your teaching intentionally based on the learning outcomes you want to achieve.



文 | 何锭

图 | 王晓鹏

来源 | 新闻公关处






艺考培训-广东本科院校-北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院-微高校-院校号-北师港浸大UIC-博雅行 | 三杰获教学与服务奖之郭奕龙博士