人类一直在跟病毒战斗,医疗泰斗们艰苦钻研,医生护士们轮班上阵,在病情一线日夜抗战。作为非专业人士的我们,现在可以做些什么呢?大家可以有自己的思考。在这里,我想特别的表达对身在湖北的同学们的感谢,深深感谢你们保护大我、汇聚大爱,充分展示出湖北人的顽强和值得“铆起唱”的格局与精神,你们和湖北的父老乡亲都是真英雄!也请你们知道,你们的安全和健康时时牵动着我们的心,大学和书院是你们坚强的后盾。我看到你们中很多同学活跃在微信群中,组织线上活动或支援灾区,比如我们的宿生会、公益组织 Open Rain、以及有同学参与组织的“四海援鄂小分队”,我也敬佩那些严格自律,在防控期间坚持居家隔离,坚持自我保护、安静学习的你们,书院为你们点赞!你们是学勤的骄傲!还有大家看不见的,书院办公室、舍监、导师、物业工作人员为疫情防控的默默奉献,我衷心感谢他们对书院的守护。在此我也要告诉大家,学校成立了大学防疫指挥领导小组,为保证全校师生员工的健康安全,从年前开始就一直在高效率地工作,积极部署网上授课,为2月17日开课做好充分准备。
With love,
Dear Diligentia students,
We all experienced a special Chinese New Year Holiday this year, so to say, and came across a great challenge in human history. Wherever you are, under the severe epidemic situation caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus, I believe you do feel the importance and value of health and life, and so do I.
All I want, in this Spring Festival, is your health and safety.
The Mother Nature gives us unexpected presents sometime, some bringing sorrows and trails. But the truth is, she wants to help us experience and grow. If we pay close attention to everything we have been through and everyone we have met, we can always learn, and that’s where we are now.
Mind Tranquility and Solitude
In this era with advanced technology and instant communications, we are flooded with messages, together with overwhelming emotions and psychological implications. I hope you keep calm and do what you can to help our country. Keep a critical mind and avoid being trapped in emotions. I always believe in the imporatance of solitude and self-care, so that our mind can stay calm and healthy. If we have a tranquil mind, we can inspire others with our rationality and wisdom to defend our body and mind from the virus.
Given the rapid spread of novel coronavirus, the simplest and most effective protection is to stay home, which requires a high level of self-discipline. We were used to being occupied by homework and might not be able to keep a healthy daily routine. But here comes the best time to adjust our lifestyle: go to bed early and get up early; ensure enough sleep; leave some time to do exercise, to read, and to communicate with your family; form good hygiene habits and keep an optimistic attitude to your life and study. The greatest enemy of this novel coronavirus is a healthy body and a strong sense of precausion.
Care for the little,
learn from the great
On the frontline, doctors and nurses have been fighting relentlessly against the virus, but what can we do as non-professionals? I think you may have your own answers. With this letter, I would like to express my gratitude to the students who stay in Hubei province at the moment, and deeply thank you for the selflessness, the courage and the determination you all have demonstrated during this difficult time. You and your fellow Hubei people are the true heroes! Your safety and health are in our minds, and the University and the College are always ready to back you up. I am proud of students who have been actively contributing by sending relief supplies and organizing online support to the epidemic area through RSADC (Resident Student Association of Diligentia College), Open Rain (Diligentia Volunteer Organization), and voluntary supporting-Huibei groups. Let’s also shout out to students who showed enormous self-discipline during this time by staying at home and studying with full concentration. I would also like to give special thanks to the College Office teachers, Wardens, Resident Tutors and the Property Office staffs who have been working behind the scene to protect our College. I want to share with you that the University has established a Leading Team for nCoV Prevention and Control, dedicated to ensure the smooth operation of the University and the safety of students and staff. The team has been operating efficiently even before the Spring Festival to prepare for offering online courses starting on February 17th.
By showing self-discipline and a positive attitude, everyone can contribute to the society, to our nation and the world. I believe, with joint efforts, we will soon delightfully find that the wishes we made at the beginning of the New Year of the Rat, have all come true in the warm Spring sun.
I hope that everyone will engage in the upcoming online courses with full spirits, and I am looking forward to seeing every Diligentian coming back to our FAMILY soon.
With love,
Gu Yang
Cultivating the self to serve society;
Pursuing excellence to achieve moral integrity
Thank you for everything !
文字 | 协理副校长、学勤书院院长顾阳教授
排版 | 李舒敏