Node, a breakthrough
Knot art,
Points in the light of wisdom
Show all the wisdom,
Extension of the new times.
The world has a node with the history,
Time and space node.
In China, songzhuang art, the holy land of this one party
Together with a group of the pursuit of life is the height of the art of the saints.
But we are not a hero,
We only do our own art,
The spirit of the free soul warriors.
Be loyal to the original,
True to life,
Is our declaration of the world,
Is the self soul calm.
If the world can't see the sincerity and the cost of original art life,
The world will not find beauty and truth,
How will be touched,
To know what is beautiful,
What is the height and depth of life.
To survive,
Is the only pursuit.
Node has brought together us,
A group of real crazy explorer for art,
All who may...
Songzhuang node of present and future,
Each node of artistic and cultural ideological trend,
Personal art progress and achievement of nodes,
The knot point sink,
The point of junction.
To make into a network,
The form a face,
Poly adult,
Become a people,
Human world...
For us,
New future for art.
Organizer: Fine Arts Equivalence
出品人: 许国良
Producer:Xu Guoliang
Art Director:Wang Xinsheng
学术主持: 陈池瑜 扬卫
Academic Chair:Chen Chiyu Yang Wei
策展人: 刘鸣
Curator: Liu Ming
参展艺术家(拼音排序): 白野夫 初东风 蔡桂琴 陈栋 胡柯 何庆源黄炯青金锐梁屹 刘鸣 刘立足 刘采 彭文斌 钱乐昌孙甲平 沈加根闻秀峰汪勇王奕豪夏鹏程许国良 许申东 许英辉昱隆 尹墨 杨青杨得清 殷群 余立新
The Artists List(In Alphabetic Order):
Bai Yefu Chu Dongfeng Cai Guiqin Chen DongHu Ke Ho QingyuanHuang JiongqingJin RuiLiang Yi Liu Ming Liu Lizu Liucai Peng Wenbin Qian YuechangSun Jiaping Shen JiagenWen Xiufeng Wang YongWang Yihao Xia Pengcheng Xu Guoliang Xu Shendong Xu YinghuiYu Long Yin Mo Yang Qing Yang Deqing Ying Qun Yu Lixin
Opening:The 8th of Jan 2017 at 3:30pm
Time:The 8th of Jan 2017 to the 8th of Feb 2017
Co-Organizer:Fine Arts Research Union
协办单位:广州国际艺术博览会co-organizer:Guangzhou international art fair
学术支持: 中国抽象艺术促进沙龙 艺君突起批评团
Academic Support:China Abstract Art Promotional Salon The Art New Force Criticism Union
Venue:Fine Arts Equivalence Block C106,Shangpu Art Zone,Songzhuang,Tongzhou District, Beijing
Selection of exhibited works
《不再》75x91cm 水墨宣纸 2016
白野夫 Bai Yefu
1963 Born in Hebei province in China
1990 graduated from central fine arts institute traditional Chinese painting
2012 the Chinese academy of cultural heritage protection of contemporary spiritual art institute
2015 Chinese contemporary artist union great vision
Now lives andworksin Beijing
《现任总统》94x92cm 宣纸水墨 2014
初东风 Chu Dongfeng
Now living in Songzhuang, China, was born at Yantai, Shandong Province in 1951. Retired from Yantai Port Authority, he is currently the president of the Yantai Harbour Fine Art Academy and the deputy director of the China Society for Study of Contemporary Artists. Tutored by Mr. Jia Haoyi, a well-known painter of Beijing Fine Art Academy, he paints excellent figure painting and is an outstanding
painter emerging from wilderness.
《海底世界》120x150cm 油画 2016
蔡桂芹 Cai Guiqin
Her former name was Qin zi,from Jing yu county,Jilin province, Currently lives in Beijing,as a professional painter.
2008, he participated in the Eighth Asian artfair in Beijing.
《山海经.冥想no.118》79x92cm 水墨宣纸 2016
陈栋 ChenDong
Bornin68, Hunanxiangtanpeople.
ChinaContemporaryArtAlliance''Xi''ArtResearchAssociation,deputydirectorofHunanprovincialcomprehensiveartmaterialsCommittee. DirectoroftheHunanoilpaintingsociety,XiangtancomprehensivematerialsdirectoroftheArtsCouncil.Participatedinthedomesticandinternationalacademic exhibitionsandculturalandartisticexchanges.
《红色密室》56x50x37cm 10树脂着色 2017
胡柯 Hu Ke
1978年生于湖南 2005年毕业于四川美术学院雕塑系 现工作生活于北京重庆
2016 “青年艺术+”海外巡展新加坡站(新加坡中国文化中心) 2015“青年艺术+”青年艺术家推广计划(北京当代美术馆)
Born in Hunan Province in 1978
2005Bachelor’s Degree, Sculpture Department, Sichuan Fine ArtsInstitute,Chongqing ,China. Exhibition
2015“Across the Narrow Door”, Contemporary Youth Scuplture Exhibition
《幻系列之49》布面油画 2016
何庆源 He Qing Yuan
Born in Shandong China 1989.Bachelor degreein Fine Art, Currentliving in Beijing Song Zhuang.
《树木风姿夏日朗》94x92cm 水墨宣纸 2016
黄炯青 Hunan Yiyang
Senior artist Professor Employed at Peking University, Hunan Normal University, Guangzhou University.
《2015—10—15号》 100x65cm 油画 2015
金锐 Jin Ray
1953年生于吉林省农安县。15岁起至今师从袁运生先生。后师从庄喆先生学习中国文化,书法,艺术考古至今。大学期间师从周光玠、李守仁、胡悌麟、梁乐山、黄茵聪、王杰、靳之林。毕业于东北师范大学美术系。1998年结业于中央美术学院油画系“山水与人物对话”现代艺术研修班。曾任广东省教育厅高级职称评审主持人, 上海理工大学. 东北师范大学美术学院,吉林现代传媒学院,天津美术学院现代艺术学院,大庆师范学院等八所大学客座教授。 广东省人民政府颁发优秀教师特等奖获得者,北京市人民政府颁发优秀教师奖获得者。2001 年以艺术教育专家身份调入北京,现已退休。 2013 年中国军事博物馆举办‘走进崇高,实现中国梦中国书画艺术大展‘组委会副主任。 Born in 1953 in Jilin province county agriculture. Student of Mr Yuan Yunsheng age of 15 from Mr Yun-sheng yuan so far. From Mr Zhuangze after learning the Chinese culture, calligraphy, art archaeology. College from Zhou Guangjie, Li Shouren, Hu Tilin, beam in leshan, Huang Yin chung, wangjie, JinZhiLin. Graduated from the fine arts department of northeast normal university. 1998 oil painting department of the central academy of fine arts of completion of "landscape and dialogue" modern art workshops. A former senior title appraisal committee of guangdong province department of education. Super teachers of fine arts, professor, enjoying national allowance experts. A former art newspaper special academic host, Shanghai polytechnic university, northeast normal university academy of fine arts, jilin institute of modern media, modern art college of tianjin academy of fine arts, daqing normal college lesson eight universities such as visiting professor. Guangdong provincial people's government awarded excellent teacher special award winner, the Beijing municipal people's government awarded outstanding teacher award winner. angzhou University. 梁屹 Liang Yi 1963生于山西大同1990毕业于中央美术学院国画专业山西省美术家协会会员中国煤炭美术研究理事会同煤集团美术家协会主席 Born in Shanxi Datong 1990 graduated from central fine arts institute traditional Chinese painting Shanxi Province artist association member China's coalfine arts research council with the coal group chairman of artists association.《初雪》50x50cm 水墨宣纸 2016
《 大地 秋冥》70x60cm 水墨宣纸 2016
刘鸣 Liu Ming
现为中国美术家协会会员;湖南省美术家协会理事;湖南省中国画学会副会长;湖南省美术家协会水墨艺委会副主任。职业艺术家, 居住长沙与北京两地。
Graduated from Hengyang normal college art department of fine arts in1986
Winded up his studies about Chinese painting landscape character from China Academy of Art (The Original Zhejiang Academyof Fine Arts )in 1989.
As a freelance artist,living in Bei Jing.
《水墨戏NO.46》纸本 70cmX70cm 2016
刘采 Liu Cai
Born in 1958 Xiangtan, Hunan Province. set up “Hunan Leishi Oil Painting Seminar” with his friends. He has been engaged in artistic creation and opera for a long time.
《天书A1》 纸本水墨 60X70cm 2015
刘立足 Liu Lizu
文化艺术批评人 新生后现代服装设计师2015《意念画派》水墨天书创始人 2016《艺君突起批.评团》发起者,现居住北京
Carnation, dubbed the mountain mountain manFormerly known as Liu Lizu Born in 1983 in Hunan wei yuan's hometown Professional artist free poet Culture and art criticism
New postmodern clothing designer 2015 mind painting ink gobbledygook founder2016 "Art jun protuberant. Review, initiator, now lives in Beijing.
《远方》68x68cm 水墨宣纸 2016
彭文斌 Peng Wenben
艺术家、策展人 广州国际艺术博览会艺术总监 广东省中国画学会理事 广外艺术学院客座教授 中国摄影家协会会员
Artist,curator. Artdirector, Guangzhou International Art Fair. Council member of Guangdong Chinese Painting Society Visiting Professor, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Member of China Photographers Association.
founder2016 "Art jun protuberant. Review, initiator, now lives in Beijing.
《帆》40x120cm 水墨意象 陶瓷 2016
钱乐昌 Qian Lechang
Bornin Penglai, Shandong. Graduated from Qinghai Normal University, Majoring in Oil Painting. Made an advanced studyin Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts from 1986 to 1987. Now Lechang Qian is a member of Chinese Artists Associationand Guangdong province Artists Association who engaged in art education for manyyears. Lechang Qian Set up a personal studio in Jingdezhen city and engaged in the creation of artistic ceramics from 2011 to date.
《远古的回声》140x205cm 纸本重彩 2016
孙甲平 Sun Jiaping
曾用名孙嘉平,吉林省东丰县人。国家一级美术师,萨满神图绘画继承人,萨满画派创始人。先后出版《萨满绘画艺术》、《废弃与超越》、《水纹图典》、《自然天成与绘画》、《木纹图典》、《版画专集》、《连环画警犬黑豹》等多部专集Former name Sun Jiaping, from Dongfeng county, Jilin province. Being the national topmost artist Sun inherits Shaman god figure painting and found the Shaman school. He has published Theart shaman painting, The waste and the beyond, The illustratedbook of water waves, The natureand the painting,The illustrated book of wood grains, The album of printmaking , The comic about a police dog panther and many other albums.
《复活者归来》136x68cm 水墨宣纸 2016
沈加根 Shen Jiagen
号泼夫子1966年生,祖籍江苏东台,现居北京 中国现代、前卫、抽象、综合材料绘画艺术、超自然主义表现者 法中艺术家协会会员 中国新野性画派成员 清华大学美术学院现代彩墨研究员 中国文艺家协会常务理事 中国现代彩墨艺术院艺术交流部主任
Born in 1966, originally from jiangsu dongtai, who lives in Beijing. Chinese modern, avant-garde, abstract, comprehensive material painting art, the supernatural behavior Method of artist association member. China's newwild member of the school. Tsinghua university academy of fine arts of modern colors researcher. Executive directorof the association of Chinese writers and artists. The director of the China's modern colors on academy art exchange.
《方印》4x4cm 印度红石 2016
聞秀峰 Wen Xiufeng
1963年生於黑龍江阿城 師承鄧散木弟子葉隱谷先生 北疆散木印社創始人之一
黑龍江省書法家协會會员 黑龍江省藝術设计协會會员
Born in Heilongjiang Province in 1963. From the Sanmudisciple of Mr. Ye Yingu Den The founder of the Indian society of wood powder. Heilongjiang Calligraphers Association member. Member of Heilongjiang Art Design Association.
《远古的回音1》40x40cm 陶瓷 2016
汪勇 Wang Yong
Born in1972, had a bachelor degree in 1994, graduated from a class for the furtherstudiesMaster of Artsfrom Jiangxi Normal University in 2000. Yong Wang is a teacher and associateprofessor in JINGDEZHEN UNIVERSITY, art school. Yong Wang is a Professional ceramic artist and an International Ceramic Art Designer.
《禅荷》100x100cm 纸本水墨 2016
王奕豪 Wang Yihao
Born in the 4thof April, 1974 Graduated from Hebei Normal University; Completed Master degree from the University of Houston, USA; Further educated from Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), China; Resident Artist of The West and South Gallery of Dallas, USA; Currently engaged in creation of arts in Beijing on a long term basis; 1994 Immigrated to the United States; 2000 Was invited by a famous artist Wang Qizhi to successfully hold Solo Art Exhibition of “The combination of light and power”in Houston, the United States;
Under the led of expressionism, the exhibition of “The combination of light and power”shows a series of work of the young artist-Wang Yihao breaking through of the traditional realistic painting style. It has attracted much attention from several art galleryand main critics from the US.
《时速.黄金时代》200x200cm 油画 2016
夏鹏程 Xia Pengcheng
湖南益阳人,中国民主促进会会员 中国国家画院沈鹏工作室书法家 文化部文化艺术高级人才评委、导师 清华大学美术学院夏鹏程书法艺术专项研修班导师 百度百科艺术顾问 中国书法家协会会员
Born in Yiyang city, Hunan Province, China. Member of China Association for Promoting Democracy. Calligrapherof Shen Peng Studio, China National Academy of painting. Jury, mentor of culture and art talent of Ministry of Culture of The People’s Republic of China. Tutor of Xia Pengcheng Calligraphy Special Seminar of Academy of Arts & Design,Tsinghua University. Art consultant of Baidu Encyclopedia. Memberof Chinese Calligraphers Association.
《申秋.絮》系列之二 97x180cm 宣纸水墨
许国良 Xu Guoliang
1961 生于湖南 1980 入伍沈阳空军后勤部 1987 进修于鲁迅美术学院中国画专业 1990 毕业于中央美术学院中国画专业 上能艺术当量美术馆艺术顾问 《上能艺术》副主编 现生活工作于湖南和北京
Lives and Works in between Yiyang City Hunan Province and Beijing
1961 Born in Yiyang, Hunan Province, China.
1987 Educated in Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA)
1990 Graduated from the Chinese Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts
《乡村课堂》 72x120cm 版画 2015
许申东 Xu Shendong
1972年生于沈阳,鲁迅美术学院国画系研究生毕业,2006年出版个人专集《我的内心世界》,任职于沈阳建筑大学,兼任黑龙江省许勇爱心慈善基金会副理事长,是一位有天赋、有真情的青年画家。作品多以现实生活为题材,画风本真、朴拙。 1972 Born in Shenyang City, China; Post - Graduated from the Chinese Painting Department, Lunxun Academy of Fine Arts; 2006 Published Solo Art Album of “My Inner World”; Now Work for Shenyang Jianzhu Univeristy The Secretary-General of Xu Yong’s Love Charity Foundation, Hei Longjiang Province; Xu Shendong is a talented young artist with warm-heart. His creation of art works mainly sourced from real life. It shows an ongoing genuineness, simple but solid.
《水浒》之神火将魏定国 240x120cm 纸本彩墨 2015
许英辉 Xu Yinghui
河北深泽人,毕业于中央美术学院,河北省深澤県出身中央美術学院卒業1996年 中日青年绘画联展/日本东京;1997年 三人画展/北京雪白画廊
Born in Shenze, Hebei Province.Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts 1996 “China-Japan Youth Painting Exhibition,” Tokyo, Japan.1997 “Three-Person Exhibition,” Snow WhiteGallery, Beijing, China
《福寿无边》109x78cm 纸本水墨 2016
昱隆 Yu long(segment)
Shandong people. Once asked academies in Beijing, China academy of art, Chinese calligraphy institute, international book like society, etc., Art works were collected by national art museum of China and China art research institute and other institutions including personal collection. Member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association. Independent artists, who lives in songzhuang.
《蛹动》175x92cm 纸本水墨 2016
尹墨 Yin ink
1969年生於湖北洪湖 1986年入伍,在部隊文工團從事舞美工作,2007年退役
2010年香港書譜学院首届書法研究生,師従張羽翔先生 2014年國際書象學社,師従魏立剛先生 現居住廣西南寕和北京宋庄,职業兿術家
Author introduce:
Yin Mo
Yin Mo was born in 1969 in Honghu Hubei Province. He joined the army in 1986 and worked stage design in th army, he retired from active military service in 2007.
Yin Mo was the first graduate student of Chinese calligraphy of Hongkong Shupu Institute in 2010,studied under Dr. Zhang Yu Xiang. He also studied in International Shuxiang Society in 2014, studied under Mr. Wei Li Gang.
Now living in Nanning Guangxi Province and Songzhuang Beijing, professional artist.
《弹指—不染》150x120cm 布面油画 2014
1969 生于中国贵州修文阳明洞 1994.毕业于中国贵州师范大学艺术系,获文学学士学位 1994.于北京圆明园画家村成立‘五匹’艺术小组 1999-至今于北京宋庄从事观念艺术创作
1969.Born in Xiuwen, Guizhou Province, China
1994. Set up ‘WuPi’ Art Group in YuanMingYuan Artist Village
1999- Present. Has been working on conceptual art in Songzhuang, Beijing
《戏偶》80x80cm 油画 2016
殷 群 Yin Qun
南京艺术学院油画专业,硕士研究生。江苏省美术家协会会员,中国高校美术家会会员。现居南京,高校教师。2015年 江苏省美术家协会“鼎山雅集-----美术与设计精品展” 2015年 北京“2015年度美术批评家提名展”“江苏首届青年油画展”2016年 “第九届江苏省油画作品展”.
Nanjing University of the Arts, Majoring in Oil Painting, post-graduate
2005 “The 6thArt Exhibition of Jiangsu Province”, Master piece Award
2005 “The 5thOil Painting exhibition of Jiangsu Province”, Outstanding works Award
2007 “Jinling forty-eight scene oil painting exhibition”
2008 “Great love- 2008 China University art works Year book”
2008 “The story of spring- Art Exhibition To commemorate the 30th anniversary of reform and opening-up of Jiangsu province”
《筑·梦》180cmx96cm水墨纸本2016年 余立新 Yu Lixin 生于长沙 国家文化部艺术发展中心中国画创作研究院研究员 文化部中国国际书画艺术研究会理事 中国美术家协会会员