朗读者:Song Gao
钢琴演奏:Song Gao
撰文:Song Gao
Song Gao 博士是昆山杜克大学的环境化学教授,加州大学出版社《环境案例分析—可持续发展》的主编。
Gao 教授在这里分享在新冠疫情期间,来自于科学与音乐的内心共鸣。背景音乐取自他在昆山杜克大学学术楼内钢琴上的演奏录音。
Resonance in a Time of Uncertainty
In 1859, the British writer, Charles Dickens, famously started his novel, A Tale of Two Cities, set in the darkness and light during the French Revolution, this way:
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us…”
161 years later, it is starting to feel some spring of hope after a long winter of despair, in humanity’s hard and seemingly unending fight with the COVID-19 pandemic. Wait, can we really hear and move towards hope in all this difficulty and uncertainty? I’d like to think so, echoing Prof. O’Brien in his recent podcast.
161年过去,在经历了漫长的绝望之冬后,在人类与新型冠状病毒的艰苦且看似无休止的斗争中,人们开始感受到某种希望之春。等等,在所有这些困难和不确定性中,我们真的能听到并走向希望吗?与 O’ Brien 教授最近的播客相呼应,我想是的。
I’d also like to share my thought that in this challenging time, many unfamiliar situations resonate with the past, or even the familiar, albeit in somewhat novel ways. And let that “resonance” be of comfort and guidance to us, like “hope”, on the way forward.
Charles Dickens’ famous lines provide an example of such resonance in historical periods that humans have had to endure and go through. Two other cases of resonance also come to mind.
First, social distancing, a measure that has brought much of the world to a standstill to contain the spread of the coronavirus. It is not something we feel familiar or comfortable with. Yet, it is by no means a new concept. I came to realize this during my ongoing teaching of a chemistry class at DKU.
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (or: VSEPR) theory, is based on the simple idea that electron groups repel one another through coulombic forces to reach a relatively stable energy state. The preferred geometry of a molecule is the one in which the electron groups have the maximum separation possible. When I discussed this “electron distancing”, for the benefit of molecular stability, and its resonance with “social distancing”, for the benefit of societal stability, it was a moment of reflection and enlightenment for my students and myself.
Second, the music in the backdrop of this podcast is a prelude in C-major by one of the greatest composers of all time – Johann Sebastian Bach. To me, this little gem piece depicts the calm and delightful in the beginning, only to be eroded with bits of shadows and uncertainty momentarily, eventually relaxing back to the bright and hopeful, all in stepwise fashions without a forecast or preparation.
Doesn’t it resonate with how COVID-19 has struck us ever so unknowingly but profoundly. Yet, life shall go on, when all is over and the new normalcy returns. The one thing that does change – as revealed by the ending of this music – it is a new world that we will face and embrace, having struggled, felt the pain, relied on science, reason and cooperation, and hopefully learned a thing or two as an individual, as a society, and as a civilization. In that process, let “resonance” help us connect, hope, act and move forward.
Word box
1.Resonance: 共振,共鸣,反响,在文章和乐曲中指激发联想的力量;引起共鸣的力量;引起的联想(或共鸣)
2.Epoch: 新纪元,新时代,时间上的一点,这里可以和 age,times 等统一理解为“时代”。
3.Erode: 腐蚀,侵蚀,也有减弱和使减少的意思,例如 erode morale 就有减弱士气的意思。
昆杜播客(DKU Podcast)旨在用诗意的方式传递生活中点滴的美好。欢迎喜爱生活的你带着诗意的心加入我们。用中文、英文或其他任何一种语言,朗读那些打动了你的文字,与我们分享它如何抚动你的心扉。
DKU Podcast aims to convey the beauty of life in a poetic way. Everyone who loves life is welcome to join us to read the wordsin any language that move you the most, and share with us how it touches your heart.
Send your self-introduction, audio,and message on email todkusocial@dukekunshan.edu.cn.We look forward to your participation.
文案 翻译:李蔚然
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