上周,来自英国利物浦大学、奥地利格拉茨技术大学(Graz University of Technology)以及意大利都灵理工大学(Politecnico di Torino)建筑学院的30名学生与6位教授与西交利物浦大学建筑系的师生开展了为期一周的工作坊,为苏州历史遗产建筑保护建言献策,为苏州山塘河地区可持续发展的城市再生提供新思路。
Six professors and 30 students from three European schools of architecture (Torino, Graz and Liverpool) joined architecture academics and students from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University last week to produce innovative visions for the conservation of heritage architecture in Suzhou.
The work was part of an intensive workshop aiming to develop ideas for the continued urban regeneration of the Shantang River area of Suzhou.
Watch the video to see what they have to say about about their experiences: