For English please scroll down
西浦的英语课程叫做English for Academic Purpose,简称EAP,是大一期间占学术表现比重最大的课程。这门课,旨在帮助大家学习使用英语进行学术活动。西浦有句俗话,EAP挂了,留级没商量。后果很严重有没有!大家一定要打起十二分的精神,高度重视EAP课程。
那么,课内时间方面,最重要的课程之一,EAP,该怎么上呢?课外时间,又该怎么利用呢?主页君特别邀请到了学长为大家支招~ 学长到底是哪颗?大家仔细看,英文版有彩蛋喔~
老师上课讲的内容非常重要!很多EAP老师的讲义都是自己编写的,除了整个专业共用的讲义外,可以说每一份都是老师智慧的结晶,独一无二哦~ 同学们可要珍惜啊!
大多数老师课余也很喜欢跟同学们聊天,而且他们大多都非常风趣幽默~ 大胆地去跟EAP老师们聊天吧!
少年少女们~ 就算对自己口语不自信也没关系!西浦还有Continuing Support Workshop呢~ 拉上跟自己实力相当的小伙伴一起参加CS~ 大家相互鼓励很容易就能把英语学好说好了~
首先,放下手里的鼠标键盘手机~ 出去运动吧~ 大一每周只有一次体育课,这点运动量怎么够?学校周围的运动设施非常丰富,篮球场足球场网球场健身房一应俱全。没有强健的体魄怎么保护自己和好盆友们呢~
除了锻炼,大家还可以多参加社团活动~ 丰富的社团活动可以充实自己的课余生活,提高自己的办事能力和团队协作能力~ 最关键的是,能认识好多志同道合的朋友~
世界那么大,利用节假日时间,还不去看看~ 苏州及长三角地区交通极其便利,跟小伙伴们一起去探索吧~
English for Academic Purpose (EAP) is a very important part of modules for Year One students.
As the name implies EAP is learning English specifically for use in an academic setting – for writing essays, reading research and having discussions in class for example.
In addition to EAP, international students can take Chinese or Spanish language lessons.
Advice from 3rd Year student Wentao Shen
"Make the most of your EAP classes, don't miss them."
"Take time to chat to your teachers in English – they are very friendly and keen to help you practice!"
"If you don't understand something in class, speak up and ask a question. Even if you're not confident in your spoken language, it doesn't matter. Classmates will support you!"
More advice in Year One
Be well prepared for each class and review last week's work ahead of time. You remember more by going over things regularly.
Practice, practice, practice! The key to learning languages is to use them so get help from a language partner – you may wish to find a native English or Chinese speaker to help you. This is also an excellent opportunity to make new friends.
Sign up for the Continuing Support workshops which provide both Chinese and English sessions every Wednesday afternoon. Keep an eye out for posters advertising the sessions!
Get plenty of sleep and do lots of exercise at the excellent sports facilities nearby. A healthy body helps you to develop a healthy mind!
Explore Suzhou and get to know the XJTLU campus. There are opportunities to practice your languages all around you!