【科研速递】我校师生屡创佳绩 成果丰硕 XJTLU staff and students active in research

【科研速递】我校师生屡创佳绩 成果丰硕 XJTLU staff and students active in research

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西交利物浦大学五位青年学者获得2017年国家自然科学基金委员会外国青年学者研究基金项目的资助,立项数量在全国高校及科研机构中位列第二。五位青年学者(见下图,从左至右)分别是:化学系Dawson Graham博士,西浦国际商学院Hudik Marek博士、方世豪博士,生物科学系Boris Tefsen博士和土木工程系Loo Chin Moy Charles Kwet Shin博士。








中国研究系讲师Dragan Pavlievi解读“16+1”合作机制的文章分别发表于《外交学者》与《国际公共政策评论》。《外交学者》是一本亚太时事杂志,覆盖亚太地区政治、经济、安全以及文化等多方面内容;《国际公共政策评论》为读者提供了解和观察亚洲及世界事务的资讯和观点。



XJTLU academics win National Natural Science Foundation of China grants

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) officially released a list of projects that have won grants from the Research Fund for International Young Scientists. Five XJTLU academics are in this list, they are Dr Dawson Graham from the Department of Chemistry, Dr Hudik Marek and Dr Eddy Fang from International Business School Suzhou (IBSS), Dr Boris Tefsen from the Department of Biological Sciences and Dr Loo Chin Moy Charles Kwet Shin from the Department of Civil Engineering. This year a total of 108 projects were funded nationally, with XJTLU ranked 2nd place among all universities and research institutions across China in terms of the number of projects within this scheme.西交利物浦大学

Chemistry students publish papers in international journals

Jiawei Liao, MRes Advanced Chemical Sciences at XJTLU, had his paper, which contributes to the search for alternatives to petroleum-based fuels, published in the journal Microporous and Mesoporous Materials; alumnus Ruochen Liu, who graduated from BSc Applied Chemistry last year, published a paper investigating the surface modification of nanomaterials in Chemistry - A European Journal, a highly ranked multidisciplinary chemistry journal, published by Wiley.

Molecular electronics study could lead to smaller, more powerful devices

A research team from the Department of Chemistry has measured for the first time the charge transfer of single-molecule junctions, using graphene and gold electrodes, marking an important step in understanding how electrons transfer through single molecules. The work, which was led by Dr Li Yang was published in the highly profiled Nanoscale journal with an impact factor of 7.76.西交利物浦大学

XJTLU holds Suzhou’s first international transport symposium

The symposium focused on critical issues and challenges related to transport and urban sustainability. More than 60 people from across the world attended the symposium, including highly regarded scholars, young researchers, leading local practitioners, and a number of delegates from different sectors nationwide.

China Studies academic comments on China’s “16+1” platform

Dragan Pavlievi, a lecturer in China Studies wrote articles on China’s “16+1”, a cooperation mechanism between China and 16 Central and Eastern European countries. His article was published on The Diplomat, the premiere international current-affairs magazine for the Asia-Pacific region, and the International Public Policy Review, which offers knowledge and expertise on Asian and world affairs to the public as well as the business community.

IBSS hosts a serial of national scale conferences

In the past two months, International BusinessSchool Suzhou has hosted several national conferences covering different research fields, including the first Annual China Derivatives Markets Conference and the Asia and Pacific Economies Seminar.西交利物浦大学


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艺考培训-江苏本科院校-西交利物浦大学-微高校-院校号-西交利物浦大学-【科研速递】我校师生屡创佳绩 成果丰硕 XJTLU staff and students active in research