席酉民校长教师节致辞:以“归零的境界”再塑西浦 Teachers' Day Speech by Professor Xi

席酉民校长教师节致辞:以“归零的境界”再塑西浦 Teachers' Day Speech by Professor Xi

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Reshaping XJTLU: "Starting from zero"

Dear teachers and colleagues,

It's September: the heat of summer has yet to fade and another Teachers’ Day will soon be upon us. First, I sincerely wish you all a happy Teachers’ Day!

In September this year, XJTLU invited a wide array of guests to gather at the newly-constructed South Campus phase one and to look back on and celebrate a decade of growth at XJTLU. In the space of 10 years, and using the courage of a newborn bull that has no fear of the tiger, XJTLU has gradually grown from an infant who at the very start was doubted and challenged by all quarters, and whom some believed had no prospects, into its state today.


The University boasts over 10,000 students, more than 8,000 graduates, and close to 1,000 serving teachers and staff. It has developed over 70 undergraduate courses and graduate specialist and degree programmes covering science, technology, engineering, design, management, economics, culture, and art.

It has built northern and southern campuses that are both independent and interrelated, and which incorporate the essence and styles of both Eastern and Western culture, and it has set up more than 10 research institutes, an international technology transfer centre and an innovation hub that cross disciplines and promote industrial and international collaboration.


The extraordinary achievements of our staff, the outstanding performance of XJTLU alumni, the rapid growth of XJTLU, and the high praise from all levels of society have established XJTLU's reputation both at home and abroad. Only those of us who have gone through it can fully appreciate all the effort, hard work, and ups and downs that have brought us to today.

Today, standing at the milestone of the 10th anniversary, the myriad accomplishments and achievements of the past are undoubtedly worthy of our pride and satisfaction - but what we should focus on and think about most is how to face the future, how to complete the next 10 years, and the 10 years after that.


In 10 years, XJTLU has taken shape and been hailed as a "benchmark of Sino-foreign collaboration in education" and a “pioneer in the reform of higher education" but our ambitions don't stop there.

Dear teachers, colleagues, and students: The wisdom and hard work of XJTLU people are indispensable to achieving the ideals of the University. I invite all of you to join hands and enter the struggle, beginning from zero and making XJTLU's tomorrow even more magnificent!


Click on "Read More" for Professor Xi's full Teachers' Day speech





艺考培训-江苏本科院校-西交利物浦大学-微高校-院校号-西交利物浦大学-席酉民校长教师节致辞:以“归零的境界”再塑西浦 Teachers' Day Speech by Professor Xi